Massage relaxes your muscles, makes you feel good and helps your body function properly. But there is way more to massage than just feeling good. 40% of people receive Dubai spa massage for their health conditions such as pain management, migraine control or injury rehabilitation. In 2010, more than 50% of physicians recommended spa massage in Dubai.
Here are some specific benefits of spa massage in Dubai for you.
If you just had your surgery that involves muscles, spa massage can help you get on your feel within days. Specific types of massage such as deep tissue massage or hot stone massage regulates the blood circulation in specific areas of your body, relaxes muscles and even improves joint flexibility and movements. Prescribed regular massage after surgery can also prevent postsurgical muscle swelling and adhesion.
A headache is the most common and prevalent health condition in every corner of the world. Almost 32M people suffer from a headache. It targets children and adults alike. If you start taking medication for normal regular headaches, your immune system develops resistant to them leading to untreatable headaches. However, spa massage in Dubai helps you get rid of a headache without involving drugs. Research published in the Journal of Annals of behavioral Medicine proves that people who receive spa massage have fewer chances of getting a migraine, get good sleep and stay active during the day.
Usually, people go for treatments like acupuncture or spinal modification to relieve back pain. These treatments are relatively painful and require time-taking recovery. Research published in the Journal of Annals of Internal Medicine, however, states that massage therapy is a better treatment for back pain than the aforementioned treatments. In Dubai spas, you can try Swedish relax massage or hot stone massage to treat your back pain.
People who receive at least 10 minutes back massage weekly have better control over their blood circulation and blood pressure than other people. Spa massage helps you reduce your blood pressure when it is boiling up and calm down according to the Biological Research for Nursing Journal.
Not only this, but spa massage in Dubai also helps you deal effectively with medical conditions like carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, anxiety and muscle tension.
If you’re facing any of such problems, schedule your appointment right now.